Research & Innovation


Taking your disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) as prescribed by your rheumatologist is important to control disease activity, reduce pain and prevent long-term damage to the joints. Prevalence rates on medication non- adherence, however, range from 30% to 90%. In this project, we want to comprehensively map the problems people with inflammatory arthritis experience when taking their DMARDs.



The project consists of a number of studies:

  1. a qualitative study among people with inflammatory arthritis and health care providers on the barriers and facilitators for DMARD use.
  2. a prioritization study of the importance and relevance of factors affecting DMARD use
  3. a study using audio recordings of consultations to examine whether and how people talk about possible barriers and facilitators for DMARD use.

Within this project we work together with:

  • Marieke Voshaar.