Effect of derotation osteotomies

This study aims:

  • to investigate the effects of a derotation osteotomy on pain and gait ability in children, and
  • to assess the relationship between rotational deformity on CT and kinematics during gait.

Children and adolescents (12-21 years) with a rotational deformity of the upper or lower leg participate in this research.

Rotational deformity will be assessed by CT scans as part of regular care. Pain and limitations in daily-life activities will be measured using questionnaires. In addition, two gait tests will be performed:

  • 6-minute walk test
  • 3D gait analysis, during which hip, knee, and ankle movement are accurately investigated.

In total, 31 children and adolescents participate in this research. This study started in 2020 and will be finished in 2023.